Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Career Uncertainties

So phone blog was a success, so here I am again. Phone blog is a fail unless I only send a little over a page of phone text. It ended up just breaking up every page into it's own individual post. Lame.

I've been reading a book called "What Color is Your Parachute" by Richard Bolles. My sister was recommended the book by an old professor and in turn, my sister recommended it to me after a discussion we had about careers. The book is a guide for job/career hunting ,and needless to say my sister and I have our uncertainties about our future.

I'm only about a third of the way into the book right now, but it's really interesting. He talks about being more specific in your job hunt. Like if you want to be a secretary, decide if you want to be a secretary for a law firm, or a day care center, etc. He walks you through every step so you can discover what you want to do and how to get there.

This book has helped me analyze what I really want to do. I'm still pretty uncertain, but I have a better idea of my ideal job(s). It's definitely better than just shrugging when asked what I plan to do when I graduate.

I've realized that I really enjoy writing, and ideally, I'd absolutely love to be a web writer for an art site of some sort. I'm trying to blog every day now so I can get more experience. I wish I had something more specific to write about that hasn't already been done, though.

I'm still interested in running my own craft/art shop. I love crafts and if I really had more free time on my hands that's what I'd probably be doing.

I'd still kind of like to be a photographer or design professor, though. It's not exactly at the top of my career choices, but it would make me feel more comfortable about the photography degree I'm working on. It would still require more school, unfortunately...

I've even given thought to fashion photography, but still not certain if I want to go that route. At least these last two options would make me feel that my degree was worth something.

I know I didn't talk about the book much and even if I'm not done I still highly recommend this book to anyone who's concerned about their career.

I'll keep you all updated on the book and how my career planning goes. <3>

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