Friday, February 8, 2013


For my Spring Break- yes, I still get one as a full time employee- I'm going with my dad to Kentucky to a comic book and toy convention and to visit family. It's a pretty big con so I'm excited about cosplaying at the convention. I'm pretty dead set on going as the New 52 Harley Quinn. It's gonna be a lot of work and money, but I think it will be worth it in the end. I'm so excited though!

And since I want to do this cosplay so bad, I'm trying to work out every day that I can to get into shape by the time the con rolls around. So far, I've done great with my core strengthening exercises, but I have trouble with actually doing my cardio for the day.

I also recently found a couple of schools that are offering completely online degrees for Photography. Although they are more expensive, it would still cut out the weird transition and costs of moving just to go to graduate school. Also, if things work out with the art store, then it would be even more difficult for me to relocate just to attend school. Although I haven't actually applied or been accepted, it's still pretty awesome to know that my options are opening up.

Now if I can just get my business plan finished. :P

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