Friday, January 14, 2011


I wanted to update earlier this week, but I just kept putting it off. Figured I'd take advantage of the bit of free time I have right now.

I've edited this post. I was originally going to rant a bit about stupid things that happened this week and how I want to punch a certain set of specific girls. But after today I don't feel like complaining. I'd like to move on. Ignore the anger and frustration, focus on the good.

I'm really excited for this semester. So far, I think my Heavenly Father is really looking out for me. Last semester was Hell. I feel that this semester isn't going to be as stressful in my work load.

Classes didn't start on Monday as scheduled, but got my first syllabus that day for Web Site Design and Management, my online class. I was a bit worried when I first enrolled since I pretty much bombed the online class I took this past summer. I was so excited when I realized it would be more in depth information from the Web Design class I already took. There was even more of a burden lifted when I discovered I had the entire semester to work on the projects for class and not having to turn in weekly assignments.

Printmaking is going to be lots of fun, very, VERY expensive, but lots of fun. Frustrated because I went to buy supplies and they're out of 4"x6" linoblocks and I need to have my first proof done by Tuesday's class. I don't drive either. Not that I'd be able to get to Muskogee to buy one even if I could drive since I have a weekend class starting this afternoon at 4:30.

Walking for fitness will be extremely easy. Just show up to class and walk. Whoo.

Computer Science might be the class with some of the biggest problems, mostly because it's so boring. Ugh.

Then there's Typography. SO EXCITED! I love Mr. Cotton, I won't lie. Not at all in the romantic sense, but clearly in the platonic student - mentor relationship. Last semester was his first semester here, right out of graduate school from Louisiana. He's the Graphics professor we truly needed for our department. I love his drive and passion for all his students to do their best. I love that he keeps telling us how we should be able to get the best jobs right out of school and that's what he's preparing us for. I know I will probably struggle to a degree in this class, but it's all for the best. I'm so excited to see what I'll produce for this class. I'm really wanting to go to the conference in Texas at the end of March.

Just got out of one of my weekend classes, Understanding Suicide. I know, completely unrelated to my major or minor, but definitely an interest of mine, understanding and preventing it, not suicide itself. Oh gee. I might go into more detail about this in another post, but it was a real eye opening experience. Some of the things people had experienced in that class... I know this sounds cliche, but it was deep. I feel more aware of things going on around me and that I have a new appreciation for life. Sounds odd saying that seeing as it was just a two day class. We also watched Seven Pounds. If you haven't seen it, I recommend watching it. I just really appreciate that class. I've been wanting to volunteer for Hope Line or something similar, and this class has given me a little more drive to do so.

I'm just so excited about this semester.
About all the things I'm doing for myself and to improve things in my life and prepare myself for the future.
About all the things I want to do for others.

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