I have to admit I'm terrible at actually feeling motivated to write anything about my own life. I feel like I'm pretty boring. I found a tumblr page that would help me with some writing prompts, though, so hopefully I'll blog a little more often than I have been. Btw, if you have a tumblr, you can follow me here.
So today I wanted to talk about fears and what I'm afraid of. I'll admit I get squeamish and honestly, a lot of things freak me out, but I wouldn't quite say I have a fear of them. I feel like my list has gotten bigger since I've "grown up", or maybe I've just finally admitted that I'm afraid.
1.) I'm afraid of being alone. Not really left alone at home or anything, but the idea of not having anyone who cares about me. No family, no romantic partner, no friends. It scares me to not have anyone to confide in. I feel like I'd probably go into depression. And to be honest, I'm not sure what I'd have left to live for if I didn't have anyone left.
2.) The dark. This is such a generic thing, but I'm honestly afraid of the unknown that exists in the dark. Anything or anyone could be lurking around the corner, ready to jump out and skin me alive. I don't really have great balance either with my eyes closed or when I'm in the dark so I'd probably kill myself first by tripping over a stick. lol
3.) Open heights. I guess because I'm so short, 5'2", that I hate being up high. In eighth grade when I was a cheerleader, I was a flyer. How funny, because I really hated thinking about how high up I was. Buildings and airplanes don't really bother me, but tall trees (I also love to climb these), deep caves, ladders, and buildings like the Sears Tower, below, scare the crap out of me. I literally could only stand up on this glass area for a few seconds before my knees buckled and I just had to lower myself to sit.
And last but not least...
4.) Spiders. I've always hated spiders but only recently have I truly realized my fear of them. How they feel when they crawl across you... Even watching them creepily scurry across the floor or wall. And their creepy fangs just pulsing, ready to eat your face. Their itchy and potentially deadly bites. Ugh. They just creep me out. Even worse is that I hate to kill spiders or insects because I hate that crunchy feeling and sound that happens when you attempt to squash them. *shudder*
So what's something that you're afraid of?
Ahhh I'm afraid of heights too. Can't handle it at all.